Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate Review
For many of us, building muscle, burning fat, and optimising our performance in the gym is an extremely difficult and time-consuming process. It can take months or even years, before we see any real changes and improvements to our physique. First and foremost, for anybody looking to build muscle, their diet and training regimes will both be extremely important. Training routines must be followed consistently with progressive overload in mind for results to be noticeable. The progression can be in either strength, volume or perhaps both. Once you’re confident that your diet and training regimes are both on point, you may then wish to consider turning to sports supplements such as creatine. It is one of the few supplements that has studies with proven results. It is reported that creatine leads to greater gains in strength, fat free mass, and performance. It is clear creatine can help you push to the next level in your physique development and strength levels. In the UK, one of the leading creatine supplements is Myprotein’s Creatine Monohydrate. A staple ingredient in many a bodybuilder’s supplement stack. Here’s a more detailed look at creatine monohydrate and what it can do for you.
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Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate explained
Creatine monohydrate is a nitrogenous amino acid that is present in a number of dietary sources, including fish and red meat. On top of that, it can actually be synthesised within the human body, specifically by the kidneys, the pancreas and the liver. Despite the fact that creatine can be synthesised within the body, studies have found that the amounts produced are not high enough to be beneficial in order to offer any form of nutritional advantage. That is why supplementing with Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate, might just be the answer.
How Creatine Monohydrate works
Creatine helps to create ATP or Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, which is a primary source of energy that is used by the muscles, or more specifically, by the cells that are found within the muscles. It can help the body to build muscle in a number of different ways. To begin with, as creatine monohydrate will increase ATP production, the more ATP that there is present within the body, the more energy the muscles will have. This means that muscle contractions will be harder, muscles will be able to work harder and for longer, before they fatigue. Another plus point is that lactic acid production will also be suppressed. Put simply, Creatine Monohydrate helps the muscles to work harder and makes your workout more productive.
Texture and taste of Myprotein Creatine
The great thing about Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate, is that there are so many different flavours to choose from, so finding your ideal taste just couldn’t be easier. There is orange, lemon and lime, peach mango, raspberry lemonade, berry blast, blue raspberry, tropical, and many more. It is also available as unflavoured for anyone who wants to add it to their own juice or water. In terms of texture, when combined with water in a shaker cup and given a good shake, virtually all of the powder mixes into the water. This is the sign of a quality creatine supplement! I take the unflavoured version and it is virtually tasteless when added to water. I also add it to my protein shake which doesn’t effect the taste in any way.
Creatine Monohydrate nutrition
Obviously the primary ingredient is creatine monohydrate and the unflavoured version of the supplement, provides 100% pure creatine. The flavoured options contain around 87% pure creatine with the rest consisting of sucralose and natural flavourings. It is gluten-free and also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate review summary
Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate is ideal for anybody trying to bulk up, improve their strength or improve their physique in general. It is one of the staple supplements I use, which I feel is extremely beneficial for my workouts. It is very reasonably priced at just £4.19 for a 250g pouch in the unflavoured version. Choosing a flavoured version of the supplement takes the price up to £5.49. To save money on your Myprotein order, don’t forget to use a discount code. To get the most out of creatine, simply consume 5g per day and mix with water, fruit juice or add to your protein shake. Don’t worry about any loading phases. I do however recommend cycling on-and-off the supplement. So for example, you could supplement with creatine for 4 weeks and then have 2 weeks without supplementing it. This would be a good way to ensure your body does not become reliant on it.
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